Inspirational Quotes

 I’ve been drawn to inspirational quotes long before they became a huge fashion thingy. The great motivational power that can be found within the lines of a few astutely chosen words in fancy handwriting or HUGE text; printed on a t shirt, notebook or techie thing (just to name a few) can be quite uplifting […]

New projects on their way

Today I’m sharing a couple of projects that are a work in progress. I found these lovely cactus cut-outs made from MDF. I hear cactus is the new pineapple these days (actually I’ve heard it for a while now) so I better jump on the bandwagon before it’s gone. I’ve primed them and lightly sanded […]

Button Disaster!

Remember the wooden flower shaped buttons I showed you last year?  I had only just purchased them and was so excited and eager to start on a new design I had in mind. I wanted to combine them with an idea I had for a cross stitch pattern. Well, these brightly coloured pink and deep […]

Wishing You a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Well, it’s that time of year again, Christmas is almost here and a new year is approaching. 2016 has led me on an incredible journey…my first year of blogging.  If I knew how much pleasure sharing my creative endeavours would bring, I would have joined in years ago. I have enjoyed your stories and special […]

My New Addiction…

Buttons! No, not the ones you press which are found on gadgets and door bells …. I’m infatuated with the garment type. These small, generally round shaped fasteners were primarily made for holding two pieces of fabric together. They‘re usually ignored until ………. we discover one missing.  Next, the hunt begins for the culprit that […]

A Country Christmas

Living so close to a national park really does have its benefits, although we do take it for granted at times. But really… we seem to have it all here. You see, Churchill National Park is almost a “hop, skip and jump” from our home. We’ve gained amazing opportunities by living here. Wildlife comes and goes […]

Snuggle Up and Cross Stitch

When it comes to creating, nothing gives me more pleasure and satisfaction the way painting does. But, occasionally I like to switch to other crafts…  Here in Victoria, Australia, winter has made its grand entrance. And when the mercury drops considerably and each day our daylight hours are shortened, I get this overwhelming urge to […]